The Twin Lakes Elementary PTO was founded during the 2007-08 school year, the first in the history of Twin Lakes Elementary School. The PTO exists as an unincorporated association of its members. Its articles of organization are comprised of by-laws, which may be amended from time to time. The objectives of this non-profit organization shall be to promote:
- Fundraisers and donations to support school, community, and global programs, activities, and events.
- Community and social events to bring home and school into a closer relationship.
- Volunteer opportunities in the school/community.
Membership of the PTO shall consist of all interested parents, guardians, and educators of Twin Lakes Elementary School. All members are eligible to vote and hold office. The elected officers include two co-chairpersons, two co-treasurers, and secretary. Each officer will be elected to a two-year term, and must be a member of the organization. Open meetings are head each month of the school year, with the exception of December.
Volunteers are an important part of the PTO and are called upon at numerous times throughout the school year, and are especially needed to assist with our large fundraisers, which include the winter dance and Otterfest.
Parent and teacher involvement is essential to a successful PTO, and we want to hear from you. Please email the PTO or contact any of the individuals below with questions, comments, or to get involved.
Co-Chairperson: Tammy Olson
Co-Chairperson: Ashley Ferber
Co-Treasurer: Mandi Wingert
Secretary: Bryn Hintsala
Parent Liason: Mary Foley